There isn’t a child alive who doesn’t love a Rocky Road. Or a grown-up, for that matter. Unhealthy, I hear you say? Far from it! Dark chocolate is practically the poster child for the antioxidant brigade, brazil nuts are packed with cancer-fighting selenium, marshmallows remind you of the happy innocence of your youth…Rocky Roads are good for you and I think you should have some.
In fact, I think you should go and make some right now.
Nothing to it! You melt a little chocolate, you chop and stir in some nuts and marshmallows, you spoon the results into little heaps on a wax-paper lined tray, you wait for it to set, and HEY PRESTO: you got yourself some mouth thrills. Yummy, chewy, crunchy, nutty chocolate heaven right here –>
Makes 20-24 depending on size
100 g brazil nuts, roughly chopped (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts and pecans or a mix of them all can also be used)
1 cup snipped-in-half mini-marshmallows
250g milk chocolate
200g good quality dark chocolate
- Mix the chopped nuts and snipped-up marshmallows in a large bowl. Line a large tray with wax paper.
- Place a large metal bowl over a saucepan filled with hot water. Break the chocolate into small squares and place in the bowl. Heat the water over gentle heat and as the chocolate begins to melt, stir with a wooden spoon. Do NOT let the water boil; this will cause the chocolate to seize and become granular and you’ll have to throw it away.
- Once all the chocolate is melted, immediately pour it over the nuts and marshmallows, using a rubber spatula to scrape all the chocolate out of the bowl.
- Use the same spoon to mix the nuts, marshmallows and chocolate together thoroughly. Use two metal spoons to scoop little mounds onto the wax paper and leave to cool and set completely before storing in an airtight container. Try not to eat them all at once.